Friday, December 22, 2006

Coming soon to Crossroads...

Starting Dec. 30-31 and going for 4 weekends we will be in a new series called "Batteries Included". This series is all about understanding and tapping into the power of the Holy Spirit. In putting this series together we realized how few messages we've done on the Third Person of the trinity. Our bad. We hope to correct that.

Trying to live the Christian life without the power of the Holy Spirit is an exercise in futility. That's why most New Year's resolutions don't year but same old "me".

My prayer is that this new series will revolutionize our Christian lives! See you in church...and Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

I wish you a "Mary" Christmas

As a pastor I get a bunch of Christmas cards. Quite honestly, though, I've only kept 1 card in my life. It was a "home-made job" that my daughter Jessica gave me 15 years ago. It read on the front: Marry Christmas.

The typo has reminded me throughout the years that a Mary Christmas beats a Merry Christmas any day. The Bible records that there was a lot of commotion after the birth of Jesus. Angelic choirs were singing. Shepherds were sprinting around the community at break-neck speed telling everyone what had happened. But then there was Mary. She "quietly treasured these things in her heart and thought about them often" (Luke 2:19).

That's my prayer for all of us this week. That we have some unplugged/quiet/treasuring times where we reflect on our King's arrival and the impact it's had on our lives. To put it in Jessica's terms, I wish you a MARY CHRISTMAS.