Thursday, May 03, 2007

Kids Stuff Q&A, part 5

More questions...

Q: How do we get our kindergartner to stop crawling into bed with us at 3 am?
A: I have no idea! Lock your door? I'm guessing the easy thing would be to allow it. The harder thing would be to bring the child back to their own bed every time it happens until they stop. Also, talk out what's going on...why is the child wanting to crawl into bed with you? Is there some fear that needs to be faced? I invite others to comment on this question. What's worked for you?

Q: I feel like I discipline my child, but yet if she doesn't get what she wants she will throw herself on the ground and throw a tantrum. How can I get her to stop the tantrums?
A: By not giving into them! Regardless of how embarrassing it is, never give into their little manipulative games. I know when you're at Cub and the kid is on the floor "doing her thing" you'll want to cave in, but don't do it. Kids are like wild stallions--they must be broken of their childish ways. Lastly, remember, that this too will pass!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Kids Stuff Q&A, part 4

Q: What do you do when you're a single mom and never have a break...and become so angry that you just spank and yell at your kids all the time?
A: I can't imagine how hard it must be for the person who asked this question. I have no easy answers for you. Pray a lot...ask God to give you that "extra gear" that you need to do the hard work of parenting. Also, let us help you. Crossroads is a family. We have play groups for moms and other programming that may link you to other parents in your predicament. We have Life Groups made up of people who care. Some groups even allow kids to be part of the group. What I'm saying is don't walk through this season alone. God and His people care.
