Saturday, March 04, 2006


As I re-read the comments from my last post and read some of the conversation on Brad's Sanctuary blog, one thing kind of bothers me--I'll call it the "label and condemn" movement. I see it more and more in Christian circles. We attach a label on something like "post-modern" or "emergent" or "seeker-driven" or "seeker-sensitive" or "purpose-driven" or "evangelical" or (attach your own label) and then we promptly judge and put that person/group in a particular box.

Example: "Seeker-sensitive churches water down the Bible...they're all Bible-lite". [I wish I had a dollar for every time I've heard that criticism]. Have some churches in an attempt to communicate to today's seeker made the mistake of not preaching the Bible? Of course. The problem comes when we label without looking into the content of what we're labeling. I find the people who major in labeling and condemning don't always do their homework. Rick Warren and the purpose-driven church model is also being labeled and condemned by many today. I don't "worship" Rick Warren but I've been at his church numerous times and I've listened to nearly 100 of his sermons. Is he perfect? No. Does he take a verse out of context once in awhile? Yes. But is he the heretic/antichrist that many Christians paint him to be? After looking closely at the content of his ministry and theology, I'd confidently say no. Thank God for Rick Warren. And thank God for seeker-sensitive churches. And thank God for the emergent church movement.

I know we have to label things to some extent. My point is look before you label. Jesus would probably take it one step further--love before you label.

I'd like to hear your comments!
