Thursday, May 08, 2008

Some BIG Decisions

Crossroads is facing some "crossroads" of its own these days. Let me spell them out:

1. Do we launch our first satellite campus in Eagan? A church in Eagan (BridgePointe) is looking into the option of merging with us and becoming "Crossroads, Eagan." It would be "us" in Eagan--our style, our DNA, our teaching team, our worship, etc. with some minor tweaking. This is a huge step for both churches. It's risky, messy, and painful. But, it's also a proven way to expand God's kingdom. The potential for reaching thousands more for Christ is there. we do it?
2. Do we keep our current campus and make it our second satellite campus? Call it "Crossroads, Cottage Grove"? Again, our DNA with a different flavor. Our plan has been to sell our Cottage Grove facility. Although we've had a lot of lookers no one has shown us any cash. Is this God's way of telling us to keep the campus and use it for His glory? This is a huge decision. The financial strain it would put on us would be noticeable. But the potential to reach more people for Christ would be there. we keep it?

We're asking the Crossroads family to pray heartily this month. We want to make decisions that are bathed in prayer and led by God's Spirit. Our goal is to get our leaders together the end of May and make the right decision.

Pray for clarity and discernment. Pray that our staff and Elders hear God's voice. Specifically, we're asking everyone to pray during your normal prayer times and pray in your Meal Groups. We're also asking for special times of prayer coupled with fasting on Tuesdays in May. Why fast and pray? It's Biblical... specifically in times needing God's guidance. Abstain from one or more meals for the next 3 Tuesdays and pray during that time.

Feel free to ask questions or add your comments.


Blogger Chris Meirose said...

Since nobody else is chiming in, I'll share my thoughts.

I'm excited for the opportunity God is placing before Crossroads Church. I trust Pastor Phil and the leadership of Crossroads to fully evaluate this opportunity and to go where God leads. I think that the staff is in place to make this happen if that is where God leads. There is an excellent group of pastors assembled at Crossroads, and whether it is 1, 2, or 3 campuses God will be glorified and lives will be changed.

Big Chris
Because I said so blog

7:50 PM  
Blogger RickP@CrossRoads said...

Just curious...will there be enough people left to sustain a Cottage Grove campus? Would some who gave towards the new building be asked to stay at the Cottage Grove site??

9:14 PM  
Blogger Pastor Phil Print said...

Rick, good question. The timing isn't good to open a C.G. campus close to the launch of our new facility. We would (if we keep our facility) stagger any C.G. campus for several months most likely. Some have told us their preference would be to stay in our current site. They like the small/intimate size. Our first choice is to still sell the C.G. facility or lease it to a like-minded ministry.

Chris, rock on in your new ministry!

12:24 PM  

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