Monday, December 17, 2007

A Partnership That Works

I love it when church staff members and church attenders work together for good.

We've been doing this for years at Crossroads. We say to church attenders: "You build relationships with people who are far from God. You invest in the lives of those you work with or go to school with or live next door to. You show them the love of Jesus. And you invite them to Crossroads."

What we (the church staff) will do is to create weekend services with the person you're inviting in mind. We will raise the issues you may be afraid or unable to raise. We will clearly and creatively present the claims of Christ. We will give the person you invite an opportunity to meet Jesus.

Christmas Eve is coming! Who in your relational circle needs to hear about Jesus? Who can you invite to one of our eight services? Only YOU can invite your friend, neighbor, or co-worker. And as you invite them, be assured that we are putting an inordinate amount of energy into making our Christmas Eve experiences the best they can be.

That's a partnership that works!