Monday, February 04, 2008

Good days...

Excitement is building around Crossroads these days. Our much needed "bigger box" (new building on our new site) is actually going up right now. It's exciting to drive by the Woodbury Drive site and see vertical movement. We're targeting an early December '08 opening.

Our Meal Group movement of transformation is growing. It's been so exciting to see hundreds connected together around a meal, learning, praying, and serving together. Go to for all the latest news.

Our post-Christmas growth spurt is very noticeable. Dozens of new people have made Crossroads their home since the first of the year. Many are being profoundly impacted by our weekend services. Registration for The Core (our membership class) is at an all-time high.

Our Soul Food series is off to a great start. The stories we're hearing about the impact the Divine Mentor book is having in people's lives is amazing. As we begin to feast daily on God's Word as a church, we will change. The spiritual famine will least at Crossroads. DON'T MISS THIS WEEKEND as we unveil the self-feeding plan that we are committing ourselves to. It will rock your world!

These are good days at Crossroads. I am so grateful that God is at work and we get to be part of this together.