Thursday, November 29, 2007

Jesus' Mandate

Jesus' mandate in Matthew 28:19-20 is that we go into all the world and make disciples. The key word there is disciples--not converts. Disciples are fully devoted followers of Christ. Disciples aren't content with 90% obedience. They realize that 90% is 10% short of what God desires.

So, how are we doing in the disciple-making business? My answer is we're making progress! We're in the process of making our discipleship process clear and easy to follow. We want people to attend weekend worship, where they will be inspired to follow Christ and grow in their faith. From the weekend they attend Slice of Crossroads, where they meet the staff, get a feel for the DNA of Crossroads, and hear about what it means to have a relationship with Christ. From there we point everyone to The Core, which is our 6-week "Christianity 101" class. Then, all roads lead to Meal Groups. MG's are where we pray together, serve together, eat/connect together, and study together.

One thing we're going to add to our process is a personal, "self-feeding" step...we want to inspire everyone at Crossroads to be in God's Word daily (to learn to feed oneself). Nothing compares with personally hearing from God every day from the Bible. We'll be spending a couple of months early in '08 learning how to do this.

Like the roads in Minnesota, our process is under construction!