Saturday, September 01, 2007

Why I want to do away with "church membership"

That's right. I'm tired of "church membership" and want to do away with it. It smells way too much like our consumeristic society. Membership and entitlement go together. For example, as a member of the YMCA, I expect to be warmly greeted when I walk in the doors, I expect the locker rooms to be clean, I expect the racquetball court floors to be dusted, and I expect all the right equipment to be available to keep my aging body buff.

Membership is all about me--how am I benefited by belonging to __________? There's little thought about how I can contribute to the organization. There's very little ownership on my part.

I see this all the time with church membership. Person XYZ joins Crossroads back in 1996. They quit attending in 2002 but still want to be on the "active membership list." They call in prayer requests, they borrow chairs and tables for grad parties, they book the church for weddings, and they expect a visit from a pastor when hospitalized. Hey, they're "members" after all.

I don't see that as being Biblical. Church members shouldn't be asking, HOW CAN THIS BENEFIT ME? The question should be, HOW CAN I USE WHAT GOD'S GIVEN ME TO HELP OTHERS? HOW CAN I CONTRIBUTE TO THE MISSION?

I've read about a few churches who are moving from "church member" to "ministry partner." I like it. I think it's time to raise the bar.