Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Giants of Life

I was totally overwhelmed by this past weekend. After speaking on the David/Goliath story, I asked the main service crowd to identify the "giant" in their life that they need to face. We wrote them down on cards. Hundreds were submitted. Hundreds.

As our staff read over the lengthy list, we were humbled and (frankly) stunned. We have a lot of struggling, hurting people at Crossroads. I guess that shouldn't surprise me. It goes with the territory. It was the number of people wrestling with alcohol, anger, debt, marriage, addictions, loneliness, and depression that got us.

I am grateful, though, for the openness of our church. We have a climate at Crossroads where it's OK to admit our imperfections and ask for help. Today our Prayer Team and Staff prayed over every entry on every card. We prayed for David-like courage to confront that which keeps us from becoming the people God wants us to be.

I am also planning on putting a message series together from the list. A series on facing our fears or a series on getting rid of unwanted "baggage" or ??

As we finished praying over the list, we were all exhausted. The good news is that the One we prayed to wasn't. God is bigger than any giant in our lives. Claim that truth. Move forward boldly. Do whatever has to be done.

I'm proud of you all.