Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Guests vs. Hosts

I just got done sending out a Cyber Update to the Crossroads flock. In it (it was all about Easter) I asked everyone to do several things in preparation for Easter. One "biggie" I asked for was for our regular attenders and members to "give up their Sunday morning seat" to make room for Easter guests. I suggested the option of Saturday night at either 5 or 7 pm...or to come on Sunday and sit in the overflow room (multi-purpose room) and watch/participate in the service via a live feed.

The one word for all this is SACRIFICE. It's something the CR flock does often and does well.

It got me thinking about a couple of terms--hosts and guests. We who are inside the church must see ourselves as hosts and not as guests. We exist to serve. When we get that backward (and start seeing and acting like we're guests) we cease being the Church of Jesus Christ and starting being the Church of Me.

God doesn't bless churches whose insiders act like guests. He blesses churches full of hosts--full of people that act selflessly like His Son.

Guests vs. hosts...what do you think?