Wednesday, December 28, 2005

One last Crazy Campaign question

Great blogging, team! I've read your comments with great interest. OK...on to the last of the FAQ's from the campaign.

3. Why was the Crazy Campaign "all about Crossroads"? It sounded like one big non-stop commercial for the church.

This question surfaced more than once during the campaign. I did a whole message entitled "Crazy Church"...and during the Celebration Event we did a few "shameless plugs" for Crossroads. Here's why: I was asking people to make a sizable investment and I wanted them to know what they were investing in.

Most people understand the Crossroads DNA, but many don't. I wanted everyone's "get it factor" to go up. I wanted everyone to understand what Crossroads is all about. Yea, we talked about Crossroads often, but it was intentional. The good news is that Crossroads isn't in love with itself. It's in love with God. We don't exist for ourselves--we exist for God. Our goal has never been to glorify ourselves or even to build a big church. We exist to glorify God and build His Kingdom.

If you were here at Christmas Eve you heard a powerful testimony by Leisa Garcia. When we taped the interview, Leisa spent a lot of time "praising" Crossroads...everything from the greeters to the pastors. It was a no-brainer for us to edit all the "ain't-Crossroads-great" comments from the testimony. Our purpose on Christmas Eve was to point people to Christ.

The Crazy Campaign was a very unique season for us. We did things we normally didn't do. We emphasized some things we had to emphasize. Did we violate any of our Core Values or "take our eyes off the ball" during the 2-3 months? Not in my opinion. And that's why God blessed it.

You can disagree. I'm listening.

Happy New Year!

Pastor Phil