Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Ted Haggard mess

It was hard to watch--another pominent pastor of a large church implodes. Purchasing meth and having sex with a gay prostitute isn't something you expect a pastor to be charged with. But it happens every now and then. It's sad. It's gives the church a black eye. It gives skeptics more ammo for not going to church. It destroys a pastor and his family. It destroys a local congregation (New Life Church in Colorado). It just destroys.

That's what sin does.

One thing it's reminded me of is that we're all sinners--pastors included. Church leaders are every bit as human as the next person. We are every bit in need of grace. If any of us thinks we are "beyond moral sin" we're deceiving ourselves. There is darkness within us that left unchecked will destroy us.

Another thing it's reminded me of is the need for accountability and vulnerability with others. When we stop talking honestly with others about our sin we are on the road to ruin. After this mess surfaced I called my accountability partner and we talked very openly about what we need to do to stay on the right path. We raised the bar and are committed to praying for each other.

One last thing (I'll post some more on this later) it's reminded me of is the need to build an "environment of honesty" at Crossroads--to build the kind of church where we can come out of hiding and share our struggles and get help. I want that to be true for pastors, leaders, and all who attend. I don't think Haggard had that option. That's my guess.

I cannot imagine the horror that Haggard's family and his former church family are going through. Please join me in praying for them. Pray for healing and restoration. Pray that somehow God will do something good through this mess. Finally, pray for the pastors and leaders at Crossroads.