Thursday, March 15, 2007

Re-imagining Church

What if...? I've been asking myself that question since I left the church of my youth. It's taken me years to get over the church I attended for the first 18 years of my life. Sadly, most of those I grew up with in that church, have left the church and have never returned.

What if church was more than something you "attend" and "endure" for an hour or so on a weekend?
What if church was more than a building you walk into?
What if church was a movement...a group of Jesus-like people who penetrated the world and did Jesus-like stuff?
What if churches measured their success not by the number of people sitting in the pews, but by the number of people serving the community by being the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus today?

That kind of church would "smell good" to those on the outside. With God's help, that's the kind of church we're trying to build at Crossroads.