Friday, August 04, 2006

The Ideal Crossroads, Part 2

Here are some (8) of my thoughts on what the "ideal Crossroads" would look like. Feel free to add some of your own as I encouraged in the last post.

The corporate worship and teaching would be annointed by the Spirit and each participant would experience a freedom to worship as they feel led.

The people who make up the church would fully grasp that the church is more than a building--it is a movement of God.

Prayer would be the business of the would be more than something to begin/end a worship service or team meeting. The church would be on its knees often, maximizing the power of prayer.

Those who make up the church would "get grace". In other words, they would fully grasp it (God's unmerited favor) and freely dish it out to others.

A Christ-like generosity would permeate each person. Giving back 10% or more of their income would be the norm not the exception. At least 50% of the offerings would be invested in mission outside the church.

The church would "smell good" to hurting people and spiritually mis-directed people.

Everyone would be engaged in the ministry that fits their giftedness and passion and be serving with great gusto and joy.

Everyone would be in a Life Group, living out and practicing all 5 purposes of the Christian life.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The "Ideal Crossroads"

In my previous post I made a comment that though we've made great strides, we have a long way to go as a church. No one would argue that Crossroads has "arrived". There aren't any perfect churches (and as the joke goes if you find one don't join'll ruin it). One of you asked, "What would the ideal Crossroads look like?"

Great question! It's such a great question I promise to answer it. But first, I'd like to give you a chance to post your thoughts. Dream a little. What would your ideal church be like. Be funny or be serious...