Monday, February 05, 2007

Why I won't write a book on prayer...

There are 2 main reasons why I'd never write a book on prayer:

1. Because I'm still a novice at prayer after being a Christian for over 30 years.
2. Because I can sum up the key to prayer in 1 word--commitment. I'm not sure a 1-word book would sell very well. People would scan the 1-page, 1-word book at Borders and not have to buy it.

Those who devote themselves to prayer do so because they're committed to prayer. They stay at it regardless of how they feel, regardless of how busy they are, and regardless of how angry or upset they get toward God.

If absolute commitment isn't there, we will give up on prayer. I want to have the same commitment to prayer that Daniel had in the Bible (see Daniel 6). When Daniel was told to stop praying to God and start praying to the king (or die), he went home, opened the windows and prayed to God AS USUAL (vs. 10). Daniel had a thing going with God. Nothing got in the way. That's where I want to be some day. When I get there, maybe I'll write the book, afterall.