Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A "fun" business meeting

If you missed Crossroads' Annual Business Meeting last night (May 22) you missed a good one. Here are a few highlights:
1. We elected a new member to our Leadership Team (e-team)--Dana Gotz. Our thanks go to Julie Klinghagen who is stepping down after serving out her term.
2. We passed a budget close to 1.4 million dollars (about an 8% increase over last year).
3. We got a sneak peak at what the design on our future building might look like.
4. We honored Doug Smith (out-going Church Chairman) and we gave appreciation to Warren Langstraat for the year he has served as our Executive Pastor (unpaid staff).
5. I gave my annual progress report, noting the highlights from the past 12 months.
6. We got done in 1 hour and 10 minutes and then ate cake!

Thanks to all who attended. Go Crossroads!

Pastor Phil