Post-Campaign FAQ's
Since the Crazy Campaign, a handful of you have been brave enough to ask several "tough questions". Let me address 1 of the top 3 questions (I'll hit the others next week):
1. Why did you disclose how much $$ you were giving to the Campaign? Some saw this as a little arrogant. Others thought it was un-Biblical.
First, trust me, I didn't do it without much thought and prayer. I knew there was a risk in disclosing the amount. It wasn't done to brag. My point in doing it was to take the lead. Someone had to set the height of the bar. Someone had to clearly model what sacrifice looked like. Most know that pastors don't make 6-figure salaries (at least I don't!). For me to say, "Laurel and I are sacrificing on this" sounds nice...but that wouldn't have inspired anyone. To say, "We've decided to take what we think we could afford...$25,000, and double it to $50,000" was something tangible. Many, many people commented that my disclosing our amount helped them come up with their sacrificial amount. One last note on this--David, the leader of the Israelites disclosed what he gave to the building of the Temple in 1 Chronicles 29. And after doing so, he asks in vs. 5 "Now then, who will follow my example?" That is why I did what I did.
If you were offended by what I did, I apologize. But after wrestling with the decision, I felt freedom from God to do it.
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1. Why did you disclose how much $$ you were giving to the Campaign? Some saw this as a little arrogant. Others thought it was un-Biblical.
First, trust me, I didn't do it without much thought and prayer. I knew there was a risk in disclosing the amount. It wasn't done to brag. My point in doing it was to take the lead. Someone had to set the height of the bar. Someone had to clearly model what sacrifice looked like. Most know that pastors don't make 6-figure salaries (at least I don't!). For me to say, "Laurel and I are sacrificing on this" sounds nice...but that wouldn't have inspired anyone. To say, "We've decided to take what we think we could afford...$25,000, and double it to $50,000" was something tangible. Many, many people commented that my disclosing our amount helped them come up with their sacrificial amount. One last note on this--David, the leader of the Israelites disclosed what he gave to the building of the Temple in 1 Chronicles 29. And after doing so, he asks in vs. 5 "Now then, who will follow my example?" That is why I did what I did.
If you were offended by what I did, I apologize. But after wrestling with the decision, I felt freedom from God to do it.
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