Monday, January 30, 2006

24...How's It Going?

Hey, troops. How are we doing applying the teaching from the 24 series? I'd love any feedback on how you're doing your mornings, 9-5 workdays, or evenings differently? Is it possible to take an ordinary day and live it with a greater awareness of God's presence?

One of the things I've put into practice is the simple "30 second pause"--before my feet hit the ground and start running in the morning, I pause and crown the Lord my King for this day, and I surrender my day and life to Him. The little spiritual practice has reaped great dividends.

How about you? Anything clicking?

We have one more round of 24 this weekend--the midnight hours--the hours I should be sleeping but am tossing and turning and thinking about all that's wrong in my life. How do we experience God during those kinds of sleepless hours. Hope you'll make it.
