Monday, February 13, 2006

A correction...

Last Saturday at the Men's Breakfast a comment was made that doesn't sit right with me. The speaker mentioned that the "word on the street" is that Crossroads' goal is to be the biggest church in Washington County.

Really? Where did that come from? Our vision is to impact thousands of people by becoming a community of Jesus-like people who do Jesus-like stuff. Our mandate is to obey the Great Commission (Matt. 28:20) and the call of Jesus to go tell people about Him everywhere (Acts 1:8). Having a goal to be the BIGGEST CHURCH is both short-sighted and egotistic.

We're not in competition with other churches. This isn't a game of "who's got the biggest church"? I pray for the day when every church in Washington County is growing and healthy. I give significant time and energy to encourage and coach other pastors.

Bottom line: the "word on the street" isn't always accurate.
