Thursday, February 21, 2008

Stop, sit down, and feast!

The Crossroads family is on a grand experiment. We're seeing what life is like when we daily sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to his voice...and feast on his Word. We've decided that living on one spiritual meal a week is flat-out stupid. We're tired of neglecting our souls. So, we launched Soul Food, which is more than a message series. It's going to become a way of life for us. Digging into the Word and feeding ourselves each day is going to become as common as taking a shower or eating breakfast. But I believe the results will be anything but common. This "experiment" will change us.

How goes it? We're one week into the Daily Readings. If you miss a day don't give up or beat yourself up. Get at it the next day. And the next. Remember, no one's going to do this for you. And you'll never "have time" to do it. You must make the time. We are each responsible to feed ourselves. Nothing is more important. Nothing has a great pay-off.

So...Stop, sit down, and feast!