Monday, April 30, 2007

Kids Stuff Q&A, part 4

Q: What do you do when you're a single mom and never have a break...and become so angry that you just spank and yell at your kids all the time?
A: I can't imagine how hard it must be for the person who asked this question. I have no easy answers for you. Pray a lot...ask God to give you that "extra gear" that you need to do the hard work of parenting. Also, let us help you. Crossroads is a family. We have play groups for moms and other programming that may link you to other parents in your predicament. We have Life Groups made up of people who care. Some groups even allow kids to be part of the group. What I'm saying is don't walk through this season alone. God and His people care.



Blogger Was-lost-but-now-I'm-found said...

The YMCA in Woodbury really helped me. I got breaks by dropping my kids off at the childcare and then I got to go swimming or walk on a treadmill. You can probably also spend time in the library and indoor park since its all connected. The YMCA has reduced fees for lower income people. Get yourself some help before something bad happens. If the county gets involved you'll have even worse problems. You can have all the guest passes I have - I have 9 left for the year.

5:51 PM  
Blogger Charlieth8th said...

I think Phil's answer about joining a Life Group, etc. is a great one (CrossRoads is a family that is more than willing to help others) and the kind offer from Was-Lost is something to consider, I would also suggest that you call the Crisis Nursery when you need a break (and all parents do) there numbers are 651-641-1300 and 651-646-7771. They will take care of your kids for you any time of day or night.

But most of all, don't go through this alone. Reach out to your CrossRoads family, or organizations that are willing to help you through this time.

5:58 AM  

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