Saturday, March 04, 2006


As I re-read the comments from my last post and read some of the conversation on Brad's Sanctuary blog, one thing kind of bothers me--I'll call it the "label and condemn" movement. I see it more and more in Christian circles. We attach a label on something like "post-modern" or "emergent" or "seeker-driven" or "seeker-sensitive" or "purpose-driven" or "evangelical" or (attach your own label) and then we promptly judge and put that person/group in a particular box.

Example: "Seeker-sensitive churches water down the Bible...they're all Bible-lite". [I wish I had a dollar for every time I've heard that criticism]. Have some churches in an attempt to communicate to today's seeker made the mistake of not preaching the Bible? Of course. The problem comes when we label without looking into the content of what we're labeling. I find the people who major in labeling and condemning don't always do their homework. Rick Warren and the purpose-driven church model is also being labeled and condemned by many today. I don't "worship" Rick Warren but I've been at his church numerous times and I've listened to nearly 100 of his sermons. Is he perfect? No. Does he take a verse out of context once in awhile? Yes. But is he the heretic/antichrist that many Christians paint him to be? After looking closely at the content of his ministry and theology, I'd confidently say no. Thank God for Rick Warren. And thank God for seeker-sensitive churches. And thank God for the emergent church movement.

I know we have to label things to some extent. My point is look before you label. Jesus would probably take it one step further--love before you label.

I'd like to hear your comments!



Blogger Jim Faust said...

When my wife and I first came to Crossroads, we could not believe the energy, the excitement, and the love of Jesus Christ that we saw EVERYWHERE. Those Bible-based "seeker" services were an answer to prayer, and "fed" us the life-sustaining truths found only in Christ. At that point in our lives, it was exactly what we had prayed for, and exactly what we needed. I know we're certainly not the only ones who have attended a "'post-modern' or 'emergent'..." etc. church/service and found that God was waiting with open arms to welcome us.

My identity today isn't found in the denomination my church happens to belong to, nor the type of service I attend. In the Kingdom of Heaven, none of that matters! My identity is in Jesus Christ, and he's all the label I need.

9:03 PM  
Blogger Humble Pie said...

Well jim - I guess I agree with the main theme of your message. It is important to have a good understanding of what your church is teaching. Can you believe me that I DO have an understanding of Crossroads and I DO embrace this church. I am an educated Christian that has done my homework and I CHOOSE to attend Crossroads because I believe that God's Spirit has led me here and wants me and my family here. I can't prove that to you - and I wouldn't want to try. But can YOU accept that.

Back to labels - I've been called just about everything in the book. When you surround yourselves with different people they each see you from a different perspective. My non christian friends may call me a Christian Freak while my Fundamentalist Christian friends call me a heathen. My liberal friends call me a right wing and my conservative friends call me a bleeding heart liberal (Nice friends, huh?).

We use labels because it's easy - but they can be entirely misleading and almost always shortchange the real identity of the person. ie there is MUCH MORE to a person than a label. As such - you may call me Christian Freak Heathen who is a right wing liberal!

And to Mr Purdue's and Pastor Phils point - If everyone that I know will say this about me - That I clearly love God and I clearly love others - I just don't care what other labels they choose to place on me.

6:44 AM  
Blogger Humble Pie said...

Sorry Jim - I didn't mean to attack you in any way. Per my statement, I was actually agreeing with your original theme. In the past you've had issues with Crossroads and I just figured that your 'warning' was directed at the Crossroads family. Apparently, I was wrong in that assumption - and I apologize.

In terms of your personal issues - It is unfortunate any time someone has a negative experience in any church. However, allow me to create an analogy:

Years ago I was in a relationship and I did several selfish things that hurt my girlfriend deeply. Her feelings were real, valid, understandable, and ultimately led to our separation. Imagine if she put it upon herself to 'warn' each person that I dated after about how I hurt her. Would that be fair? She certainly can - and should - let ME know. But is it her place to make an effort to tell others?

I hope you did explain to the Pastors at Crossroads about your experience. And I hope they took your concerns to heart. If your experience involved others I hope that they were made aware as well. We ALL make mistakes and hopefully we can learn from them. But we are also called to forgive - as Christ forgives. Perhaps the 'healing' in your relationship with Crossroads now rests on your shoulders - can you forgive that which hurt you?

PS - I'm glad to hear you're not part of the Scientology movement!

9:49 AM  
Blogger passionate said...

let's not forget that conservative's can be apostate as well! the pharisee's were clueless that God was among them, however they were sticklers to the letter of the law and then some.

7:42 AM  
Blogger Chris Meirose said...

I warned you about a year ago I'd be visiting your church, now we're making it come true! My wife and I are planning on visiting this weekend. I got to see James Brown this past Monday at Bethel Sem. when he and Tiger filled in for a class I'm in. I'm looking forward to hearing you preach!

God bless,

Chris Meirose (your former TA for Intro to Preaching)
Because I said so blog

10:18 PM  
Blogger Chris Meirose said...

BTW, James was the best thing I've gotten out of that course. He's very impressive! Nice find!

Big Chris

10:19 PM  
Blogger Belle_South said...

Well. I'd like to label the Crossroads pastoral basketball squad "Not a Threat." See my blog for an analysis. But if you substitute James Brown into the game, assuming he plays basketball with half the energy and skill he expends preaching, then all bets are off.

4:12 PM  

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