Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Kid Stuff, Q & A, part 2

Q: Would you say a blanket NO to letting kids play traveling sports?

A: If I had the courage I would! Seriously, traveling sports is a curse and a blessing. My opinion is that they do more harm than good. There's a lot of research out there that says kids/teens have lost their ability to do anything on their own because everything is now organized for them by adults. They no longer have the ability to "entertain" themselves. The other down-side regarding traveling sports is it gobbles up practically every night of the week. That's bad for everyone. When does a family just hang out together and do nothing? When do they sit around the supper table and talk and not have to worry about running off to practice or a game? I would argue that it's 10 times better for a kid to play catch in the backyard with a parent than to be in a traveling sport. Parents, don't be afraid to go against the grain on this issue.

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