Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Every person and church has a unique DNA. After our "Going For The Gold" series I'll be embarking on a 3 week series on the "Crossroads DNA". I need your help...how would you respond to these questions: WHAT IS CROSSROADS' DNA? WHAT MAKES US UNIQUE? IF YOU HAD 45 SECONDS IN AN ELEVATOR TO TELL SOMEONE ABOUT CR...WHAT WOULD YOU SAY?

Any comments are welcome and appreciated (and will be used as fodder for my sermons!).




Blogger passionate said...

what i have said to others when discussing crossroads is; it's a great church for those making a transition from a more formal church background. the services are high energy with gifted speakers who deliver simple & practical messages. the worship services/special music are world class!

2:58 PM  
Blogger Charlieth8th said...

I agree, I think the DNA of CR is caring people. I tell people who are looking for a church to try CR b/c it really is a place where no perfect people are allowed.

I came to CR b/c my last church looked down on me for getting a divorce and I was told I could not participate in certain parts of church (communion, etc.) I wanted a church that wouldn't judge me. I wanted to grow as a christian and experience God's love . . . and I found CR.

I think what makes CR unique is that you get fed in so many ways (1) the Sunday worship, sermons, etc. (2) small groups (3) the various ministries . . . womens, mens, youths, singles, (4) if you need a hug, a prayer, a ride, a blanket . . . there is someone who will give them to you. It is a church that feeds you spiritually but cares about your emotional and physical needs as well.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Humble Pie said...

Pastor Phil - You want fun? I've got a proposition for you:

My wife and I put on an event for a different church - before we moved - called:

The Amazin-G-race:

I'm not sure who's in charge of sovial events at Crossroads. But if you're looking for a FUN way to connect 30 - 50 people - We would be happy to put together another:

The Amazin-G-race:

Without going into too many details let me just assure you that this is an absolute HOOT!!!

Let me know!

(3 Years later - I still hear the comment - "That was the MOST fun I've EVER had at a Church event!!)

6:06 PM  
Blogger RickP@CrossRoads said...

I think the DNA of CR is similar to Jesus in that CR meets people where they are in their life journey and helps them grow closer to God. The CR ministries are centered around loving God and loving people.

In 45 seconds on the elevator I would try to describe what those 2 sentences look like...down to earth, bible based sermons...excellent music...learning opportunities...LifeGroups...Alpha...
Crosswalk...great youth ministry...
community involvement...mission trips...
this is my floor--see ya Sunday at CR.

10:02 PM  
Blogger passionate said...

a couple things regarding jim's comments:
to say cr is a friendly/outgoing church could be a bit of a stretch.
a church, or any group of people, are really only as friendly/outgoing as each person is.
for instance; maddie (in her first blog) seemed to be emotionally distressed & found some gals to comfort & love on her. she could probably have found someone at wal mart who would have shown a crying woman compassion. me or jim however, could feasibly go to cr for 3 years wiithout anyone really saying much more than 'hi' to us at the door. that's reality for those out there who have difficulty taking the first steps toward forming relationships. that's why it behooves those of us who do have cliques of friends to get outside ourselves & seek out those who are alone & leaning against a wall. our 1st year at crossroads, my wife & I kept hearing announcements to attend covenant pines retreat weekends. they were billed as being 'a great way to get connected'. so she went to the womans & i to the mens. lucky for us that we each went with another person, as no one sought to know anything about us or went out of their way to make us feel welcomed. this is not necessarily an inditement against cr, but to each of us who forgets what our role in church really is.

6:07 PM  
Blogger passionate said...

maddie asked me 'what is my role in church, what could i be doing'. it certainly sounds like you are doing your part & a great job at being friendly & out-going. I would say brad is too. he is constantly offering reconciliation to those accusing him/the curch of not caring.
the isues raised by jim & cjmannkind could certainly be valid to what their looking for in a church. they probably did the right thing to leave. they should not expect the church to conform to their tastes, but rather find one that does. the bottomline is; we each need to have a personal relationship with God. the fellowship we attend should suppliment that, & should be a place to share our gifts & talents. wherever we can find the best place to do so, is probably where we should be. it's not in the spirit of Christ to hold ill feelings against others who do church a bit differently than they prefer, is it? in this same context, didn't Jesus say something like 'he who is not against us is for us'(mk 9:40)?

11:01 AM  
Blogger Charlieth8th said...

I would like to get back to Phil's comments about improving on ways to have fun and making learning a blast.
Other than humblepie's suggestion does anyone else have any ideas on how we can connect w/ each other more . . . not only on an individual basis while we are at church, but other ideas ? As we grow and go through this building transition I think it is important that we still stay connected w/ each other. And I know I could use more ideas.

8:23 AM  
Blogger Humble Pie said...

"Other than humblepie's suggestion..."

What the heck is wrong with MY suggestion!!!

Just kidding.

Seriously though, charlieth8th, if you're looking for 'event' type ideas I DO have some for you. I'd love to run a few by you that have worked in numerous churches in several different states! Is there another way to get in touch with you - other then this blog.

9:10 AM  
Blogger Charlieth8th said...

Humblepie I am sorry, it was a GREAT suggestion and the wording could have been better ! Do throw out some ideas and lets see what others think . . . and what ideas they have !
I would also like to know what people's thoughts, ideas are when they are approached at church by people they do not know . . . you know, when someone comes up and says "hi, I haven't met you I'm so-and-so" How have you met new people, what has/hasn't worked. Also, do you think there are services that are more conducive to meeting new people ? . . . and I ask that b/c the Saturday 5 p.m. doesn't seem like it to me . . . everyone is running off to go out to supper, etc. Which is great but makes it harder to meet new people . . .and am just looking for others thoughts/experiences on that.

10:15 AM  
Blogger MattA said...

Although I hestitate to jump in the middle of s swirling argument, I believe that there are some things that need to be clarified (seven, in fact).

1) No, Pastor Phil did not ask only for good things. He asked about the DNA of CR. Personal comments about particular relationships, while important, are out of scope of the question he asked. It may be the nature of the medium for topics to morph, but it's still off-topic.

2) When we started attending 10 years ago, I was encouraged by the welcome we received at CR (Community Covenant at the time). It was warmer than other churches we'd visited. Maybe not as warm as where we'd moved from, but that's life. We met people.

3) A huge advance in getting to know people happened when a) we joined a small group, and b) when we started serving with people. I am absolutely convinced that if you do those two things, you we be drawn into very loving relationships. For example (to name a couple of fav. ministries), Children's Ministry is filled with wonderful caring people and they always need more, and the Congregational CARE ministry has work teams that great to be on.

4) CR has grown very fast in the last several years, and know I don't know everyone in the cafe anymore. If I happened to rush past you without saying "Welcome", I'm sorry: I was probably responding to an urgent page in Children's Ministry. However, every Saturday night and each service Sunday I'm at the Children's Ministry welcome desk outside the gym. If I'm not busy signing-in visitors, I'd love to show you around Children's Ministry and find out where it would be good for you to serve!
Sunday nights I'm at the Praxis table, connecting people together for helping those outside our church walls. (see thepraxispath.blogspot.com for details). If you're there, stop by and I'll get you signed up and serving (we're starting this from scratch, so we're finding our way. However we do have some teams serving together).

5) The church is now big. The pastors are under great pressure. Now, the Apostle Paul tells us to pray for our pastors because of the important burden they are given. I really have to ask, when was the last time any of us prayed for the pastors at CR? People talk about being Biblical: OK, let's do it. Pray for each of the pastors, that they have strength, wisdom, discernment, gentleness, and humility in the face of huge demands. It's Biblical: we are to pray for fellow believers, and pray for those far from God. We are to pray for those we get along with, and also for our enemies. I don't see any wiggle room there. (It's tough, when I was in conflict with some people, the toughest thing I did was pray for them for an hour each. My heart towards them changed after that). So I challenge everyone reading this: tonight, or better yet, right now, pray for the pastoral and office staff. Unless someone has prayed for someone they are in conflict with, I really don't have any words that will lead to reconciliation. Sorry.

6) CR isn't perfect. If it were, there would be no reason to seek God.

7) If someone thinks I'm off base, let me know. All I've said is to love others, serve together, pray for the pastors, and seek God. I really hope no one thinks I'm wrong in these things.

Blessings on you all.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Belle_South said...

What makes Crossroads unique is the maturity and sincerity of the pastoral staff, which attracts like-minded people and trickles down to permeate all of Crossroads' activities.

They seem to value people regardless of age, looks, or income level - this diversity is reflected in Pastor Gleason's worship team.

I see the fruit of the Spirit when Pastor Brad is patient in times of stress and duress. I see peace and joy in Pastor Gleason's face while watching a male vocalist knock his solo out of the ballpark. I see love when Pastor Phil pleads with people to return to Christ during a Christmas Eve service. I see humility in Pastor Steve's self-deprecating humor. I see passion and wisdom in Pastor James' fiery sermons.

It's a heavy burden for pastors to know the world is watching, but the world is watching. I attend Crossroads because I want to become more like Christ, and I see Christ in these men.

4:09 PM  

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