Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Text Messages (from God)

That's the title of the new message series starting in a couple of weeks at Crossroads' main services. We're going to be looking at letters that Christ sent to actual churches in Asia Minor in the first century. These letters are preserved in the Bible in Revelation 2-3. They are amazingly applicable to churches today.

As Christ writes to these churches he typically starts with "commendation" and follows that with "condemnation". In other words it's a good news/bad news format.

Do you ever wonder what Christ would say to Crossroads if he text messaged or emailed or sent us an old fashioned letter in the mailbox? My guess is he'd have good things and bad things to say to us. After all, we're an imperfect church made up of imperfect people and pastors.

Feel free to blog your comments but keep these 3 things in mind: if you don't attend Crossroads you probably don't know us well enough to comment; you're not Jesus; and, share positive stuff along with the negative stuff.

Pastor Phil


Blogger Belle_South said...

(Writing, not as Jesus, but as the Apostle Paul's administrative assistant's third cousin once removed.)

To the Church of Crossroads:

I must boast of your most excellent pastoral staff, unmatched in the Province of Spirea. Your message is Biblical, motivational, passionate, and compassionate. Your dramas and sense of humor and graphics speak to a world overstimulated by cell phones and Fox TV.

I praise you for the highest caliber worship, for singable tunes and outstanding musicianship. The congregation's response is somewhat stiff-necked at times, mostly because Sanctuary stole all the lively ones.

However, it is said that: "No ear has heard a perfect sound mix; the electric guitar and drums oft overpowereth the vocals."

Now about food. Why do you not provide cookies to the Saturday worshippers? And where did the big, yellow happy-face cookies disappear to? We who are delaying the dinner hour cannot subsist on coffee alone. Are we not hungry?

I commend your charitable acts and generosity, and look forward to worshipping in the slightly contaminated corn field.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Belle_South said...

P.S. The sound mix was great this week-end. (Sitting in midsection towards rear.) Could hear everything except the platform singers. Heard them slightly on the communion song, enough to know they were adding terrific harmonies. Can you make them louder?

The music was WONDERFUL.

4:09 PM  
Blogger passionate said...

This was a tough question to ask, Pastor Phil & you should be commended greatly for putting this out there!

This would be my (narrow, I'm sure) assessment of things as I see them:

To the church at 80th & Jamaica;
The passion, energy & knowledge with which the ministers serve is outstanding. The talent assembled under this one roof is extraordinary. You have established a welcoming environment for those in your community. The message to the inquiring soul is second to none. It is always practical & pertinent. You encourage the wounded & provoke your congregation onto love & good works. Therefore, the River of Life flows through it!

I believe there is room for improvement in the following areas:
The Sunday morning message is kept at an entry level of understanding. Since the topics are most often regarding self improvement, the more profound, more spiritual subjects are seldom addressed. A mixed multitude can comfortably assemble here, without clearly understanding the fundamental doctrines of the faith. Therefore, we cannot be sure if many would endure the truth. Though we are large in number, the closeness of the brother/sisterhood seems scant.

9:31 AM  
Blogger Pastor Phil Print said...

Thanks, all, for your attempt to "be Jesus". I've heard your concerns and wouldn't disagree. Maddie, I agree that we need to treat WM stuff more carefully (we clueless males always try to be funny on stage). Passionate, you have observed well what our weekend strategy is (keeping things somewhat on an entry level). Our goal for this next year is to offer a balanced diet for our flock. Belle_South keep up your ministry of humor (let me know when your first book is published--I'm all over it).

8:11 AM  

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